Ta psichoula

Ta psichoula


Articulation of the double consonants /ψ/ (ps) and /ξ/ (x) and their use in the Greek language. Practice with the words of the song that contain /ps/ [ψίχα (psicha, crumb), ψωμί (psōmi, bread), ψάχνουν (psachnoun, they are looking for), ψηλός (psēlos, tall), ψιχουλάκια (psichoulakia, bread crumbs), ψήνει (psēnei, he bakes)] και /ξ/ (x) (ρίξω) (rixō, throw).
Analyze the double consonants /ξ/ (x) in (κ+σ) (k+ s) and /ψ/ (ps) in (π + σ) (p+s).

Speech Comprehension and Production

Identify the diminutives in –άκι (-aki), -άκια (-akia), -ούλα (-oula) in the lyrics of the song (crumbs, seeds). Refer to other endings of diminutives (-ίτσα,-ούλα) (-itsa, -oula). Practice the creation of diminutives with other words of the song [μέλισσα-μελισσούλα (melissa-melissoula, bee), γάτα-γατούλα (gata-gatoula, cat), πεταλούδα-πεταλουδίτσα (petalouda-petalouditsa, butterfly), πουλιά-πουλάκια (poulia-poulakia, birds), etc.].
Figure of speech: personification of animals (η μέλισσα και η πεταλούδα χαμογέλασαν, η γάτα δεν χαμογέλασε) (ē melissa kai ē petalouda chamogelasan, ē gata den chamogelase).
Narrative understanding of the song: why don't the bee and the butterfly smile when the birds come? Because the birds feed on insects and they are afraid of being eaten. Why does the cat rejoice when it sees the birds? Because she wants to eat them itself. Why does the child's mother cry when the child spread the crumbs on the balcony?
The pattern "... επέρασε και μου/δε μου χαμογέλασε" (eperase kai mou/de mou chamogelase) is also found in the Greek folk songs.

Music Activities

Learn the song using mimetic movements.
Distribution of roles and dramatization of the song (child, birds, bee, butterfly, cat, mother).
Creation of sound images of the episodes of the song, dramatized performance of the sound story without song.
Instrumentation of the song using melodic percussion (glockenspiel, xylophones, pitched tube, chime bars, etc.) by ear.
Understanding the alternation of the rhythm of the song in the refrain from 2/4 to 5/4 with rhythmic beats (on percussion instrument or body percussion).
The pupils choose various words from the text (e.g. crumbs, cat, butterfly, bee, pigeon), and create rhythmic patterns as they recite the words (e.g. crumbs, bee: three-eighths, cat: two-eighths). Practice in music writing and reading noting down the rhythmic patterns that are created by the pupils.

Age level

3-7 years old

Language level




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Ta psichoula.pdf
Ta psichoula.mscz
Ta psichoula.pdf
Ta psichoula.mscz