O Karankiozēs manavēs

O Karankiozēs manavēs


Familiarization and practice the articulation of speech (speech and song) through intense rhythm.

Speech Comprehension and Production

Explain semantically the expressions of the song “μέσα στις φλέβες μου, μέσα στο αίμα μου” (mesa stis phleves mou, mesa sto aima mou), “όλα τα σφάζει, όλα τα μαχαιρώνει” (ola ta sphazei, ola ta maxairōnei), “βγήκε στην παγανιά” (vgēke stēn pagania), “εδώ παπάς, εκεί παπάς” (edō papas, ekei papas).
Create short phrases of oral speech that help the greengrocer to sell his products (directional speech in order to promote the products), e.g. “ντομάτες ωραίες έχω” (ntomates ōraies exō), “φρέσκα λαχανικά σημερινά από το χωράφι μας” (phreska lachanika sēmerina apo to chōraphi mas), “είναι γλύκα είναι μέλι τα καρπούζια του μανάβη” (einai glyka einai meli ta karpouzia tou manavē), etc. The pupils evaluate the content of the phrases and their articulation (evaluate elements such as smart phrases that are easy to remember, phrases that can persuade the customers to buy specific products, tone color of voice, etc.). “Μέσα στις φλέβες μου έχω έναν καραγκιόζη” (mesa stis phleves mou exō enan karankiozē), “έχεις φωνή που διαπερνά χιλιάδες χρόνια” (exeis phōnē pou diaperna chiliades chronia): explanation of metaphorical phrases and their elaboration to highlight the diachronic cultural value of Karankiozēs.
Loanwords from other languages e.g. ντελάλης (delalēs, town crier), φιστίκι (phistiki, pistachio), γκάζι (gkazi, accelerator).
Group of words related to driving: handbreak, accelerator, third (speed), and mention other words with the same subject.
Create and dramatize dialogues using as main characters the peddler and his customers.

Music Activities

After learning the song, perform the rhythm or rhythmic phrases of the song by clapping.
Walk to the rhythm of the meter and clap the rhythm of the melody. Alternatively, the pupils are divided into two groups: they find two rhythmic patterns (body percussion) and synchronize in accompanying the song while using them.
Learn the melody on a melodic instrument (recorder, glockenspiel). Instrumentation of the melody with Orff instrumentation techniques on harmonic instruments (melodic tube, xylophone, boomwhackers).
Chasaposerviko: familiarize with the music and dance, listen and view the audiovisual material, learn to dance.

Age level

11-15 years old

Language level



Shadow play

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O Karankiozēs manavēs.mscz
O Karankiozēs manavēs.pdf