Articulation of the phonemes /π/ (/p/) and /κ/ (/k/) and their use in Greek language.
Speech Comprehension and Production
Find the adverbs describing place in the song [πάνω (panō, up), κάτω (katō, down), ψηλά (psēla, high), χαμηλά (chamēla, low)] and search for other words indicating place.
Music Activities
Solfége on air indicating the changes of the pitch following the rhythm.
Sing with rhythmic movements of the body in two levels, high and low (hands, legs, fingers or the whole body).
Place the voice in a descending minor 3rd interval.
Learn and perform the song using the body parts "Κεφάλι, ώμοι, γόνατα και πόδια" (Kephali, ōmoi, gonata kai podia = Head, shoulders, knees and legs).
Sing with rhythmic movements of the body in two levels, high and low (hands, legs, fingers or the whole body).
Place the voice in a descending minor 3rd interval.
Learn and perform the song using the body parts "Κεφάλι, ώμοι, γόνατα και πόδια" (Kephali, ōmoi, gonata kai podia = Head, shoulders, knees and legs).
Cross-thematic Connections - Greek Culture
Interdisciplinary concept: space.
The concept of height in the natural and artificial environment, human body and voice. Give examples from means of transport, plant growth, animal movement, sports.
The use of the ball in people's games and sports worldwide over time.
The concept of height in the natural and artificial environment, human body and voice. Give examples from means of transport, plant growth, animal movement, sports.
The use of the ball in people's games and sports worldwide over time.
Age level
3-7 years old
Language level