Hē oktava

Hē oktava


Search for words beginning with the same syllables as the notes. For instance Ντο=Ντομάτα (Do=Ntomata, tomato) Ρε=Ρεβύθι (Re=revythi, chickpeas) Μι=Μήλο (Mi=Mēlo, apple), Φα=Φασόλια (Fa=Phasolia, beans [φα=pha-fa]), Σολ=Σολωμός (Sol=Solōmos, salmon), Λα=Λαγάνα (La=Lagana), Σι=Σιρόπι (Si=Siropi, syrup). The same can be done thematically with other categories of words in relation to the notes (animals, professions, countries, etc.).

Speech Comprehension and Production

Metaphor-literal meaning ["πιάσε το σκοινί και τράβα για να φτιάξουμε μια οκτάβα"] (piase to skoini kai trava gia na phtiaxoume mia oktava, take and pull the strings so that we make an octave) - Look into linguistic patterns that denote metaphor.
Describe the creation of octave as suggested in the lyrics of the song. Practice text comprehension with virtual presentation.
Spot the imperatives "πιάσε, τράβα, φέρε"(piase=take, trava=pull, phere=bring) and begin teaching the imperative of the 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs.
Diminutives: μανταλάκι-μανταλάκια [mantalaki-mantalakia=small clothespin(s)], πλακάκι-πλακάκια [plakaki-plakakia=small tile(s)], σκοινάκι-σκοινάκια [skoinaki-skoinakia=small rope(s)], mention other examples as well.
The students create a poem in which they describe a construction or a phenomenon.

Music Activities

Listen actively the D minor and D major scales on various melodic instruments and distinguish between tones and semitones.
The class create a stave with strings and then place the notes on the lines and intervals using cardboard or other materials.
Lay a string in the classroom and place the clothespins following the intervals of the octave. The children, either in pairs or in small groups, represent the octave on the string. When the representation is over, each group/pair sings the octave showing which clothespin corresponds to each note.

Age level

3-7 years old

Language level




Hē oktava.pdf
Hē oktava.mscz
Hē oktava.mscz
Hē oktava.pdf
Hē oktava.pdf
Hē oktava.mscz