To rompotaki

To rompotaki


Articulation of the consonant /ρ/ (/r/) and of the double consonant /μπ/ (/b/ or /mp/, /b/ when the consonants are at the beginning and /mp/ when in the middle or the end and their use in the Greek language [(ρομπότ (rompot, robot), μπαταρία (bataria, battery), κουμπαράς (koumparas, money box).

Speech Comprehension and Production

Verbs of 2nd conjugation: ζητάω-ζητώ (zētaō-zētō, to ask). Compare these verbs with the verbs of the 1st conjugation [πίνω (pinō, to drink), δίνω (dinō, to give), λέω (leō, to say), ανοίγω (anoigō, to open)].
Make reference to the imperative of active and passive voice [ανοίγω-άνοιξε (anoigō-anoixe, I open-open!), τρέχω-τρέξε (trechō-trexe, I run, run!), βιάζομαι-βιάσου (viazomai-viasou, I am on a hurry-hurry up!)]. Metaphorical expressions: "παρ' το κάτω" (par' to katō, down it goes), "μου ζητάει να το σώσω" (mou zētaei na to sōsō, it asks me to save it), "κάνεις πλάκα" (kaneis plaka, you cannot be serious).
Personification of the robot: it is presented with human characteristics. Discussion on how the pupils imagine the robot. Creative writing exercise: the pupils write a verse attributing different characters to the robot (polite, abrupt, rational, irrational etc.).
Cross rhyme: τόσος-όσος (tosos-osos), μπαταρία-τρία (bataria-tria) etc.

Music Activities

Sing while simultaneously moving rhythmically side to side mimicking the robot's movements (group activity) and at the phrase "πάρ'το κάτω" (par' to katō) everybody falls down.
Sing the two first verses in legato and the third verse in staccato (1st and 2nd verse in human voice, 3rd verse in robot voice).

Age level

3-7 years old

Language level


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To rompotaki.pdf
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