To poulaki

To poulaki


Pronunciation of consonants /k/, /p/, /t/. Practice vowel cluster
/αη/ «κελαηδούσε», in different tenses and clauses.

Speech Comprehension and Production

Spot the repetition of the first words of each verse that takes place three times (make reference to the rule of three which is found in many traditional or Greek folk songs): "πάνω σε, πάνω σε, πάνω σε ψηλό κλαδάκι" (panō se, panō se, panō se psēlo kladaki). Similarly, the question pattern: "πότε θα ΄ρθει καλοκαίρι" (pote tha 'rthei kalokairi), expresses a wish and it is not a literal question, neither is the dialogue between the bird and its mate (personification). Search for other texts of traditional songs with similar features.
Diminutives [κλαδί-κλαδάκι (kladi-kladaki, branch-small branch), πουλί-πουλάκι (pouli-poulaki, bird-birdie), σπόρος-σποράκι (sporos-sporaki, seed,-small seed), μύγα-μυγάκι (myga-mygaki, fly-small fly)].
Past continuous of the verb of the 2nd conjugation: κελαηδώ-κελαηδούσα (kelaēdō-kelaēdousa, I chirp-I was chirping), ρωτώ-ρωτούσα (rōtō-rōtousa, I ask-I was asking).
Creative writing exercise: create a dialogue between the birds about their life during winter.

Music Activities

Solfége on air indicating the changes of the pitch following the rhythm. The whole song is based on four notes (G-A-B-C). Sing while clapping to the rhythm of the melody. The pupils are divided into groups, where one group keeps the rhythm on the downbeat (strong part) and the other group on the upbeat (weak part).
Division into pairs. The pupils create mimic and rhythmic movements that render the meaning of the song emphasizing on dialogue.
Learn and perform the melody with melodic musical instruments.
The pupils go on a sound walk in the woods in order to observe and record the bird sounds. View audiovisual material referring to bird sounds and ways of communication between them. Create soundscapes related to birds in the classroom. Create a graphic sheet music composition from the compositions, or/and the recordings of the pupils.
Instrumentation of the song using Orff techniques (ostinato, bordun, descant).

Age level

3-7 years old

Language level


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To poulaki.pdf
To poulaki.mscz
To poulaki.pdf