Mēn einai dyo, mēn einai treis

Mēn einai dyo, mēn einai treis


Correct use of the consonants /μ/ (m) and /ν/ (n) in the Greek language. Practice good articulation of the words: μην (mēn), δεν (den), τον (ton), την (tēn), στον (ston), στην (stēn), όταν (otan), etc.

Speech Comprehension and Production

The final /ν/ (n) at the end of the articles "τον" (ton), "την" (tēn), "στον" (ston), "στην" (stēn). Practice the use of previous articles, which have a final /ν/ (n), with various words.
Recognize the adverbs of place and time and search for their opposites [ψηλά-χαμηλά (psēla-chamēla, high – low), μακριά-κοντά (makria-konta, far away- near), etc.].

Music Activities

Rhythmic games on 9/8 with variations on grouping notes and beaming quavers.
Pay attention and practice the change of the meter from 9/8 to 4/4.
Comparison with the rhythm of zeimpekiko (Greek dance), which is at 9/8 with a different internal rhythmic development.
Enrich the song with movements (different in the parts of 9/8-verse and different in the parts of 4/4-refrain). Alternatively, accompany the verses with dance movements and the refrain part with instruments.
Play the refrain melody on a melodic instrument by ear.

Age level

7-11 years old

Language level




Mēn einai dyo, mēn einai treis.pdf
Mēn einai dyo, mēn einai treis.mscz